Valentine’s Day Goodies Pre-Order and a Hint at What’s to Come


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So here’s the deal. I’m moving to Montana. SHOCK right? I have decide to jump in feet first and offer a mouth watering variety of sweets to woo your sweetheart. Here is the menu. For those of you in the … Continue reading

Super Easy Cinnamon Crisps


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I don’t really do resolutions. Do you? I just feel like I am setting myself up for disappointment. I don’t normally make the goal list or swear to make drastic changes. This year is different though. I am learning more … Continue reading

Hershey’s Candy Cane Kisses White Cocoa Recipe….


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Well maybe not WHITE cocoa. Really it is a lovely pink. And OH so delicious. Sweet, not cloyingly, so and minty but not a blizzard in your mouth minty.  I do love Hershey’s. They have been a big part of … Continue reading

Heart of My Heart Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe


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The holiday season is hard. Yes, the twinkling lights, sparkling laughter and beautifully wrapped gifts are all wonderful. But with all those wonderful things there is preparation, perspiration, and more than likely…stress. When it all winds down and you are … Continue reading

Domino Sugar Winner and a New Years Drink Roundup


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Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! I hope this post finds you all well rested, and filled with the joy of family and friends, laughter and good food. I can’t believe we are coming up on 2012! Amazing. We have a winner … Continue reading

Peppermint Twist Cupcakes Recipe…Merry Christmas


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Peppermint Twist cupcakes…Merry Christmas! Now I know there are many of you out there who have seen this recipe. I know it’s kind of cheating, but it IS from quite a while ago, it IS delicious, and it IS quite … Continue reading

Delicious Spicy Brownie Crackles and a $50 giveaway


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Do you remember that starter mix that I have been touting for the past week or so?  Well, THESE were created with that as a starter. And these? When my oldest son Danjo had his first bite (this was his … Continue reading

The Best Cookie Shortcut You’ll Ever Use, Domino Sugar 1001 Cookie Starter Mix


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As many of you have seen by my recipe history, I am not really a short cuts kind of lady. Really more than anything….I kinda…oh I don’t know, complicate things doesn’t really sound right because I believe the recipes I … Continue reading