Hershey’s Candy Cane Kisses White Cocoa Recipe….


This gallery contains 2 photos.

Well maybe not WHITE cocoa. Really it is a lovely pink. And OH so delicious. Sweet, not cloyingly, so and minty but not a blizzard in your mouth minty.  I do love Hershey’s. They have been a big part of … Continue reading

Domino Sugar Winner and a New Years Drink Roundup


This gallery contains 8 photos.

Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! I hope this post finds you all well rested, and filled with the joy of family and friends, laughter and good food. I can’t believe we are coming up on 2012! Amazing. We have a winner … Continue reading

Carrie’s Victory Sidecar Recipe and Crete


This gallery contains 47 photos.

Moving Stress, Crete and a Temporary New Focus As many of you know who follow me on Facebook or Twitter, I have been in the process of moving. To put it lightly, it was one of the crappiest experiences of … Continue reading

Homemade Cream Soda Recipe…Archive


This gallery contains 12 photos.

Mmmm, Homemade Cream Soda Recipe. Refreshing! Over the past few months I have changed my mind about sparkling water and seltzer.  I used to think it was the weirdest tasting fizzy drink.  I did NOT like it.  Some how I … Continue reading

Cherry LimeAide Recipe…Archive


This gallery contains 4 photos.

Fresh Amazingly Delicious Cherry Lime-Aide Thanks to Holly from the amazing blog Phemomenon…I got to try out an amazingly refreshing, versatile recipe for Cherry Lime-Aide. I changed it up a little making it a bit more potent and tart but … Continue reading